
5 Proven Ways to Reduce Dwell Time with SeaVantage Data

December 5, 2024

Long dwell time can sound like a minor hiccup in logistics, but it most certainly has the potential to spiral upwards and become a major efficiency killer. Be it idle trucks, delayed shipment, or eating into costly inefficiencies, these can easily cost millions. Powered by actionable insights with real-time data from SeaVantage, cut dwell times and significantly improve bottom-line results. Let's wade through five proven strategies where SeaVantage helps you make dwell time into delivery time.

1. Optimize Scheduling Processes Using Predictive Data

Poor scheduling often leads to idling trucks, congestion of goods, and a general slowdown of activities. Gaining advanced, accurate visibility into shipment schedules allows for better planning and scheduling. Knowing exactly when shipments will arrive helps in managing loading and unloading processes better.

With SeaVantage's real-time tracking and predicted ETAs, logistics managers can better coordinate container pick-up schedules at ports, thus reducing unnecessary waiting times or idle truck time. SeaVantage's shipment dashboard simultaneously shows the latest ETA update from the shipping line, whether it is MSC, MAERSK, CMA CGM, or other carriers, and the predicted ETA based on the current location, speed and historical information of the vessel carrying the containers.  

Learn more about SeaVantage PTA

2. Identify Bottlenecks with SeaVantage Insight

One cannot fix what one cannot see. SeaVantage Insight, powered by AI, clearly shows where the most prevalent delays occur, be it at transit ports, ports of loading, or ports of discharge.

By analyzing historical and real-time data, bottlenecks can be identified and key actions can be taken to resolve them. For instance, if it always takes longer to unload cargo than expected, then staffing levels could be adjusted or workflows improved. Using SeaVantage's data-driven approach, bottlenecks become an opportunity for improvement rather than a recurring problem.

3. Improve Communication with Real-Time Updates

Logistics is a team sport, and miscommunication can lead to costly delays. SeaVantage provides real-time alerts and notifications that keep everyone in the loop-from drivers to warehouse managers-regarding schedule changes or unexpected delays.

For example, suppose a shipment is running behind schedule because of bad weather or congestion at a port. In that case, SeaVantage automatically updates and shows the Predicted Time of Arrival (PTA) while also showing ETA from the shipping line. Giving your team real-time information with which to adjust operations on the fly and minimize idle time. That means everyone's on the same page for better communication-which all translates to faster, smoother operations each time.

4. Automate Decision Making Using AI-driven Tools

Automation is undeniably one transformative leap in logistics, and SeaVantage enables the integration of artificial intelligence to enhance decision-making. Capabilities range from analyzing meteorological data, port congestion, or vessel schedules to recommending optimal arrival and departure times for trucks. Manual guessing is reduced, and due to this proactive approach, your operations can be that much more efficient.

5. Training of Teams by Data-Driven Insights

Your team is the heart of your operations, and with the right equipment and knowledge, they work best. At SeaVantage, actionable data is presented in user-friendly dashboards that help your staff make decisions quicker and wiser.

Seavantage port insight dashboard
SeaVantage Port Insight Dashboard


SeaVantage bundles real-time tracking, predictive analytics, and AI-driven tools to provide a competitive edge in optimizing operations, reducing delays, and maximizing efficiency. By taking into account these five strategies into the powerful insights from SeaVantage, you'll achieve more than reduced dwell time and'll have built a better, more transparent, and more fluid logistics process.

Ready to optimize? Try out SeaVantage data now and watch your dwell times lower, while your savings grow.

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